My work, my
passion and my mission
of life coincide
in my profession
Welcome to the doctor's portal
Rachel Gregorio
Specialized in Advanced Integrative Physiotherapy
Since 2006 I have been dedicated to solving my patients' ailments, with professionalism, dedication, respect and love that provide them with a Life of Fulfillment.
My methods are the sum of a continuous process of training, innovation, scientific research combined with intuition and allied to a deep passion and sense of mission.
I seek excellence in each protocol to offer a unique experience with unbeatable results.
My work, my passion and my life mission coincide in my profession.
What the Japanese define as Ikigai.
I work and research to solve my patients' ailments, with professionalism, dedication and respect..
To do this, I have designed a series of specialized programs, innovative, that address specific health situations with scientific rigor in a comprehensive and effective manner, with a global approach, ensuring a significant improvement in the quality of life of patients.
My treatments
Bones, joints, muscles and nerves
(Neuro-Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy)
(Neuro-Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy)
pelvic floor
(Urogynecological / Uroandrological Physiotherapy)
(Urogynecological / Uroandrological Physiotherapy)
Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue
(Physiotherapy in Central Sensitivity Syndrome)
(Physiotherapy in Central Sensitivity Syndrome)
Skin and circulation
(Dermatofunctional Physiotherapy)
(Dermatofunctional Physiotherapy)
Bones, joints, muscles and nerves
(Neuro-Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy)
(Neuro-Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy)
pelvic floor
(Urogynecological / Uroandrological Physiotherapy)
(Urogynecological / Uroandrological Physiotherapy)
Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue
(Physiotherapy in Central Sensitivity Syndrome)
(Physiotherapy in Central Sensitivity Syndrome)
Skin and circulation
(Dermatofunctional Physiotherapy)
(Dermatofunctional Physiotherapy)
My programs
What is Advanced Integrative Physiotherapy?
It's a own assessment and treatment system, sum of different specialties, Aimed at correcting, treating and preventing acute or chronic pain and related symptoms.
Through a detailed evaluation and wearing advanced techniques such as high-power laser, therapeutic ultrasound and musculoskeletal ultrasound, With just a few sessions, effective and long-lasting results are achieved..
Advanced Integrative Physiotherapy is based on a
global vision of the human body
Every human being is unique, indivisible and global, composed of several complex systems interconnected with each other.
For this reason, Advanced Integrative Physiotherapy addresses injuries and dysfunctions from a global vision of the human bodyThe focus is on the whole person. The approach is holistic and attempts to consider all the factors that may be causing the injury.
In addition to the specialties of conventional physiotherapy —Neuro-Musculoskeletal, Urogynecology, Uroandrology, Cranio-Cervic-Mandibular, Dermatofunctional, Oncological Physiotherapy—, Advanced Integrative Physiotherapy integrates other areas, like the Supplementation, the Neuroimmunoendocrinology, the Musculoskeletal ultrasound, the Osteopathy and Neurobiomedullary.
- All of them are therapeutic techniques with scientific and clinical validation and proven effectiveness.
I seek excellence in each protocol to offer a unique experience with results that are difficult to improve.
What is a session like and what does it include?
The consultation
Since I started I have found that if I treat my patients In a pleasant, serene and non-intimidating space, my patients feel relaxed., they are more receptive to treatment and my therapies are more effective.
My method
Comprehensive Evaluation
We begin with a detailed assessment to understand your unique needs, using techniques such as ultrasound.
Personalized Planning
We create a tailored plan, integrating various physiotherapeutic specialties and additional knowledge such as nutrition and osteopathy.
Holistic Treatment
We apply proven effective techniques, addressing the injury from a global perspective.
Monitoring and Prevention
We offer ongoing guidance and preventive strategies to maintain your long-term well-being.
My method is unique and is based on a university education that includes a doctorate, an official master's degree and a bachelor's degree, as well as numerous specialized postgraduate courses. I continue to train myself continuously and create my own protocols to improve the lives of my patients.
CEach consultation includes in its price All those diagnostic techniques and treatments that I consider appropriate depending on the individual assessment of each patient, without additional costs.
• The price of the consultation, all inclusive, is 70 €
• The 5-session voucher is 300 €
My method is a compendium of several specialties, therefore the need for sessions is less than conventional physiotherapy, and its results are longer lasting.
Blood tests and therapeutic supplementation, if necessary, are not included.
Frequent questions
How many sessions do I need?
A minimum of 3 to 5 consultations is recommended to achieve improvement. The assessment at the first consultation determines the most appropriate plan for each patient. Depending on the pathology, maintenance sessions are recommended.
When will I see results?
Depending on your pathology/dysfunction, you may notice improvements from the first consultation.
Is it going to hurt?
If the patient has hypersensitivity or does not tolerate techniques that can cause bearable pain for most people, we have therapeutic options that are completely pain-free and yet very effective.
What does the consultation include?
According to the therapeutic plan: Pelvic Floor and Musculoskeletal Ultrasound, High Power Laser, Ultrasound-Guided Percutaneous Therapeutic Electrolysis (EPTE), Therapeutic Ultrasound, Application of Neuromuscular Bands, Myofascial Techniques, Dry Puncture, Neuromodulation, Biofeedback, Postural Assessment and correction with clinical Posturology, Dermatofunctional Physiotherapy, Treatment of the Vagus Nerve, among others.
What is the price of the sessions?
The price of the consultation is 70 €, with the possibility of purchasing bonds 5 consultations for €300.
Will my insurance cover it?
My services are not affiliated with any mutual insurance company, as I use cutting-edge treatment protocols that mutual insurance companies do not offer in their catalogues. However, there may be mutual insurance companies that have co-payment and/or reimbursement options.
Ariadna30/01/2025 Gracias a la invitación de un familiar vine a la consulta de Raquel con dolor y tensión de cuello y espalda y dismenorrea intensa, y estoy encantada con el resultado. Desde la primera sesión noté la diferencia, y en sólo tres sesiones he mejorado muchísimo. Además el trato es excepcional. Raquel es una persona increíblemente amable y, en un ambiente relajado, te hace sentir bienvenida y cómoda en la consulta. Te explica el proceso de la terapia a la vez que anima a conversar y te da recomendaciones para tratar y mejorar otros aspectos aparte de tu tratamiento. En general estoy encantada con el servicio y el tratamiento. Natalia Diaz arca27/01/2025 Raquel ha sido una gran profesional dando rapidamente con la tecla para mi trstamiento. Estoy muy contenta. Gracias Raquel. marta de luna27/01/2025 Espectacular!! En la primera consulta ya estaba fascinada, a parte del tratamiento en sí (suelo pélvico) salí de allí con una sensación de bienestar y energía maravillosa, transmite mucha seguridad y confianza. La Dra. Gregorio es una excelente profesional apasionada de su trabajo, respetuosa y cercana que demuestra a cada minuto que pasas con ella sus conocimientos, tanto del problema que esté tratando (en mi caso suelo pélvico tras tres partos) como a nivel global de tu cuerpo. Me hizo un diagnóstico perfecto de cómo me sentía y me explicó de forma sencilla cómo funcionaba una cosa de la mano de otra, ella está siempre en continua formación y así lo aplica a sus pacientes. En sus consultas te sientes plenamente escuchada y comprendida, abarca cada síntoma que le cuentas y es una persona súper honrada pues aunque tenga que hacerte algún tratamiento específico o incluso trate una dolencia “extra” no te cobra más y dedica el tiempo que realmente necesites. No puedo sentirme mejor en sus manos, gracias por todo. Guillermo d'Onofrio10/01/2025 La mejor forma de describir lo felizmente asombrado que estoy con el resultado de mi tratamiento con la Doctora Raquel Gregorio es contar mi caso. Llevaba desde Noviembre de 2023 con un dolor constante en el hombro izquierdo que a veces me impedía hasta pensar, y muy limitante en cuanto a movimiento. La diagnosis del traumatólogo de la SS fue capsulitis, y el tratamiento, analgésicos y esperar que me llamen para rehabilitación o infiltración. Harto de esperar y temiendo que se cronificase, hice 14 dolorosísimas sesiones con un fisio “convencional”, cosa que no me sirvió de absolutamente nada, cero. Al oír hablar maravillas de Raquel Gregorio, cogí cita. Resultado: a día de hoy, tras sólo cinco sesiones con ella, el dolor crónico y constante ha desaparecido por completo, y sin pasar apenas dolor en la consulta. No hay adjetivos que puedan describir mi asombro. La Doctora Raquel, a la vez que te trata de una forma que puede resultar hasta placentera y, desde luego, nada convencional, te impregna tanto de su calor humano que uno va a su consulta con la sonrisa puesta, no como si fuese a sacarse una muela. Sé que es ciencia, que detrás hay mucha pasión y años de estudio y dedicación, pero parece magia. Rocío Del Castillo18/12/2024 Es una magnífica profesional que te escucha y se preocupa de tu evolución médica . Difícil encontrar profesionales de este nivel Amanda Moriña26/11/2024 Desesperada buscando ayuda siendo una persona diagnosticada con endometriosis y muchísimos dolores en mis relaciones sexuales, vi un video en tiktok que me ayudó a conocer a Raquel Gregorio. Bendito momento en el que decidí intentarlo por última vez. Gracias a ella, he conseguido mejorar en calidad de vida y poco a poco voy consiguiendo mis objetivos. Ya soy capaz de mantener relaciones, cosa que antes era imposible. Una persona cercana, empática que te hace ver la luz al final del túnel en el que me encontraba. Raquel os cambiará la vida, estoy segura!!!! Rocio Rodriguez Piña26/11/2024 La recomiendo por lo buen profesional que es ,a mi marido lo está tratando por la neurología diabetes y la verdad que va mucho mejor , Gracias. Fábio Silva09/11/2024 Eu vous recomendo plenamente a Dtr Raquel e tenho plena confiança no seu trabalho e por essas mesmas razões eu me desloco até Sevilha para fazer os meus tratamentos com ela, passados todos estes anos . Acima de tudo é uma mulher fantástica e muito agradável como pessoa . Leva muito em conta o bem estar dos seus pacientes , não esquecendo o ser Humano em si Lola Gonzalez10/10/2024 Una excelente profesional. Totalmente recomendable. Dolores Medina Alvarez10/10/2024 He realizado el PROGRAMA DE REJUVENECIMIENTO FACIAL GLOBAL ( Tratamiento no invasivo sin dolor los resultados están a simple vista en la primera sesión.